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Today is January 20, 2025

We have 2 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Genesee, MI

location-map Genesee , MI | (810) 255 5330

Accepting New Clients

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Life can be full of challenging emotions and difficult situations. As a strength-based counselor, my goal is to tailor therapeutic interventions to meet your specific needs. I offer a safe space, free of judgement, where you can process your hurts, difficult relationships, insecurities, anger and worries. I am proactive in my approach and want to work with you to help you achieve your daily, short and long term goals. I partner with adults, parents (especially new moms!) and teens who feel stuck in depression, anger, anxiety, shame, guilt or grief. I use experiential and cognitive behavioral approaches based on client preferences. I see therapy as a micro “real world ” where we can work through attachment trauma, insecurities, shame, guilt, hurt, anger and more I have experience working with and valuing a variety of people of different faiths and world views. I work collaboratively with my clients to develop goals and a path forward. Give my office a call, or request an appointment on our website!

location-map Genesee , MI | (810) 603 8800

Accepting New Clients

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Licence Information:

6801095065 | Michigan

Licensed Master Social Worker

location-map Genesee , MI | (810) 845 8784

Current Waitlist Only

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Licence Information:

6801108454 | Michigan

location-map Genesee , MI | (810) 292 3291

Accepting New Clients

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I've been doing this work for 46 years now, and still love it. And, I'm used to being successful at what I do. The challenge for me is people's "inside" language - what takes place beneath awareness. This is akin to the language of poetry and myth. I then translate between the worlds of "problem reality" and the deeper emergent Self - which is why I find this work rewarding. In working with couples I seek to translate the language (hopes and dreams) of each to that richer place between and behind - where hope becomes real. Go see my website. I'm a "talk therapy" person. The inherent power of language to penetrate and bring about deep change is the fine art of the therapist. My background as an Episcopal clergyman, and a long-time pilgrim in the mind-set of indigenous cultures helps keep this pump well primed. Every individual client and couple is unique, and I honor them for their courage, and the way they, in turn, challenge me to new insights. My skills in storytelling and hypnosis help me. My fee structure is in sync with my philosophy. Call for details, or see my website.